The music theatre “Look at the Moon” was created as the third part of a collaboration with Thierry Bruehl (director) for the 2011 Pocket Opera Festival in Salzburg. I see this composition as a logical continuation of many years of my involvement with the merging of new music and innovative technoid dance music.
While in the first two parts (Ligeia, 2007 and Fleischverwandtschaft, 2009) I still referred very specifically to musical genres such as techno and dubstep, these questions are now to be taken a step further in “Look at the Moon”. (Hüseyin Evirgen)
The performative differences between man and machine are clearly defined and mixed into one another by two simultaneously running, very similar acoustic and electronic scores in the structural and sonic sense. On the level of content, the interplay of historical and contemporary constructions of science fiction, mythologies and conspiracy theories as a product of collective ideas of longing as well as fear is examined.
Look at the Moon
Music theatre for one actress, three singers, ensemble and interlude
Text after Salome by Oscar Wilde
Commissioned work for the 2011 Pocket Opera Festival Salzburg
Music Hüseyin Evirgen
Director Thierry Bruehl
Salome Nicola Gründel
Singer Nihan Devcioglu
Singer Sandra Quell
Singer Katharina Schwarz