Klang21 – Society for support of contemporary music and performing arts – was founded 2004 by young artists of both genres. Since then we – in alternating constellations – analyze conditions and possibilities for contemporary musical theatre. We concentrate on the art form ‘opera’ – a genre that has been and is still accused of being ‘out of date’ but nevertheless asserts itself . The main focus of our work here is to locate the interface of speech and song within scenic measures.
Since 2005 we act as platform for regular impulses for new music theatrical events and realize with different co-producers own projects in Salzburg. We encourage a very close working process between composeres, writers and directors. But also the concurrence of different aesthetical positions influence the synthesis and debut performance of yet 30 music theatrical productions.
Since the founding in 2004 Klang21 has been and is acting as host and/or producer of debut performances, concerts and music theatrical productions. Along with the biennial Taschenopernfestival / Pocket Opera Festival since 2005 a row of unique productions have occured.