Ann Cleare is an Irish artist working in concert music, opera, expanded sonic environments and hybrid instrument design. Described as “a very different art form that draws on, but also opposes and transcends musical traditions. Articulating something that is simultaneously about sound, but also about energy, movement, space and the world itself”, her work explores the static and sculptural nature of sound and explores the extremes of timbre, texture, colour and form.
Exploring the poetry of communication, transformation and perception, she creates highly psychological and physical sound spaces that encourage the listener to reflect on the complexity of the life we live and to “hear the world differently”.
Music theatre for three sopranos, one actress, one actor, ensemble and electronic feed.
Commissioned work for the 2015 Pocket Opera Festival Salzburg
Music Ann Cleare
Director Thierry Bruehl
Woman Annika Boos; Soetkin Elbers; Philine Passin; Constance Passin
Husband Klaus Nicola Holderbaum