Oxana Omelchuk
Born in Belarus, she studied composition and electronic music in Cologne, where she still lives and works as a freelance composer and musician on the analog synthesizer. “You think musical progress is articulated through the use of the most advanced technical equipment, but maybe there’s more charm in such a synthesizer cabinet, despite its limitations and ‘inconvenience’, than in making sound tinkerings of the high-bred electronic studios.”
Oxana Omelchuk’s short opera OLIVEROS’ SCHAFE for speaking voice, soprano, seven instruments and interplay are diary-like, autobiographical notes, compiled by her and Thierry Bruehl into a libretto. Childhood memories, aphoristic reflections, memorable quotations from important authors, exorbitant and banal stages in her own biography and in her role as a composer are documented musically and linguistically in a total of ten images.
A short opera based on autobiographical notes
Libretto Thierry Bruehl and Oxana Omelchuk
Commissioned for the Salzburg Pocket Opera Festival 2023
Soprano: Sachika Ito
Actor: Klaus Nicola Holderbaum